Polytetrafluorethylen (PTFE)

PTFE displays the greatest heat-stability of all non-modified engineering polymers. The maximum temperature for use at short-time-periods is about +300ºC, and at long-time- periods + 250ºC.

Its solidity and rigidity is low, while its stretching to breaking point is greater than 100%. The shrinkage of PTFE following processing is high. Its advantages lie in the vastness of the temperature range within which it can be used, its universal chemical stability, its insolubility in all known solvents at temperatures less than + 300°C, its resistance to atmospheric agents, its excellent electrical and dielectric characteristics and its excellent non-stick property that allows it to slide on all materials.

Application areas

The engineering, chemical and electrical industries.
Examples: Gaskets subject to static and dynamic stresses, pistons and other machinery parts, linings, coatings and gearings.


Polytetrafluorethylen Sheets (black)



Weight g/m2

600 x 600 mm
1000 x 1000 mm
1200 x 1200 mm
1 2470    
2 4940  
3 7390  
4 9860  
5 12330 *
6 15060 *
8 19920
10 24920
12 30000
15 37220
20 49720
25 62220
30 74720
40 99720 *

▫ = on stock

* = on require






Polytetrafluorethylen Rods


Diameter (mm)

Weight g/m

Length 2000 mm
Length 1000 mm
6 65  
8 113  
10 183  
12 260  
15 400  
16 454  
18 571  
20 716  
22 862  
25 1106  
30 1601  
35 2163  
40 2809  
45 3540  
50 4424  
55 5330  
60 6360  
65 7440  
70 8650  
80 11293
90 14290  
100 17560  
110 21170  
120 25120  
130 29220  
140 33890  
150 38890  
160 44200  
180 55900  
200 69100  

▫ = on stock





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Fournisseur de demi-produits et pièces d'emboutissage en matières plastiques techniques

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ADvanced Plastics GmbH & Co. KG
Poststraße 21
D-33181 Fürstenberg


Tel: +49 2953-9666-21
Fax: +49 29539666-22
Mail: info@ad-plast.de